My New Photography Website

My New Photography Website


I live in the Smoky Mountains with my husband.  I love nature, my cats, gardening, my tribe, and finding magic in everyday life.  I am learning how to be kind to myself and be present in every moment.  Photography has helped me tremendously with that.

I am finally at a place in my life where I can explore a true passion of mine–photography.  I couldn’t commit to just one form or style and am soaking up as many as I possibly can.  I started with nature photography and worked myself into family photography as a way to supplement my first passion.  Since I started working with human clients I have grown to love it and the ideas I have are endless.  I stumbled into aura photography in a weird and random way, but am so grateful for the amazing journey it has taken me on and the amazing people I have met along the way.


Circling back to nature.  It will always be my muse, and the place I return to to recharge and connect with myself.  I see magic in nature, everywhere I look.  From the mushroom on the forest floor, the wildflower dancing with the wind, the crow giving his daily neighborhood watch report, to the movement of the clouds.  I want whoever is looking at my translation of a moment in time, to feel the same magic and inspiration and stop, if even for a second.  I hope you will join me in this journey and find inspiration in simple things.  When at a stoplight, take a second to say “hi” to the groundhog.  When driving by water, look for the reflection of the endless sky.  When walking into work, stop and listen to the bird singing.  Live authentically and be kind, especially to yourself.


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