Aura Photographer, an Accidental Career

Aura Photographer, an Accidental Career

Aura Photographer

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would one day be an aura photographer, I would not have believed you.  For me, the pivotal moment that started this journey was five years ago at a metaphysical show, where an aura photographer had a waiting list that exceeded the time remaining at the event.  At first glance, one might have expected it to be a typical carnival event:  get your picture taken with pretty colors…label and date it and tape it to your fridge, but it is so much more than that.  Aside from my obvious disappointment because there was not enough time remaining, after meeting my first aura photographer for just that moment, I was over-taken by the energy surrounding the area.  There was a general ‘buzz’ from people who seemed to really know why they were there.  They were looking not for a carnival souvenir, but rather for a story, captured in that moment about them at that moment–a story that they could use as a diagnostic tool–a story to help them plan their next moments that would help enable them to live a more conscious and intentional life.  So it was this story to which I became engaged, and from that moment on, I knew that I wanted to be part of this intriguing, fascinating interpretation of energy and color of aura photography as it applies to those souls who stop off from their journey to have a look.  Over the next few years, I would take the time to immerse myself in the field, learning all I could from the body of information out there, and absorbing the wisdom of sage veterans, until I could finally find the moment to acquire enough of the tools to go it alone.


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